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Green & Healthy Festival 2021

Written by Julia Lim. Jan 14 2022.

The Green and Healthy Festival started on 1st June this year and ended on the 15th September 2021 with much gratitude and greater preparedness to meet challenges of the internet age than before. This festival existed to celebrate and propagate Green and Healthy lifestyle approaches and habits through activities, talks and inspirational sharing. Any income made through this period will also go towards the running of Kampung Senang in the care it provides to her beneficiaries and community.

For the past 15 years, the Green and Healthy Festival had been a series of joyous and well-attended community gatherings at spacious locations full of colourful lifestyle offerings, passionate inspiration,stalls filled with plant-based delights and generative connections.

Yet, with restrictions that came with the covid pandemic, 2020 and 2021 saw the inevitable need to get creative, using all available channels online and offline to reach the community that we care for. Teachers, volunteers, members alike who were technology averse before took on the virtual universe to gather, communicate and learn. Hybridity became a keyword – when sharing could not be conducted on site, we saw sharers bravely going online to keep sharing their inspiration.

We are heartened with what was made possible this year. We moved from working with service providers to conducting the online Holistic Wellness Symposium in-house without expense. In 2021, we also saw EcoCollege, our learning services partner lead in the organisation of very colourful and meaningful Fringe Activities, connecting practitioners with the same People and Earth-loving passion to share their knowledge and skills in Green & Healthy Living. We applaud our versatile Charity Fair organisers who embraced online streaming and managed the website and shopping platform in-house.

In total, two Holistic Wellness Symposiums in English & Chinese (over 2 weekends) were conducted with offerings from 15 speakers, 80 organised Fringe Activities, 64 sponsors, vendors and ambassadors participated in the Charity Fair, and more than 50k was raised to support the good work of Kampung Senang for the community.

All these are possible only with the undauntable leadership of founder Joyce Lye and the passionate contribution of the Green & Healthy festival champions, generous HWS speakers, community partners and sponsors. We thank all from the bottom of our hearts. Special mention goes to Green & Healthy vanguards George Jacobs and Heng Guan How, Joyce Cheng, Benjamin Tay, Ambaree Mumjamder and Kampung Senang force Eden Pascual, Rodante Lenore, Wan Jing, Phua Teck Shin, Cynthia Chan, Cassidy Loh, Zuo Baiqiang, Katherine Meganiz, Alex Dunn, Li Mei, and Starr Lim.

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