Legacy Giving FAQ

Why does Kampung Senang need Legacy Gifts?
We rely on legacy gifts and other donations to continue supporting our many efforts on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalised in our society. Unfortunately, these people’s needs are likely to continue to increase, especially as Singapore society continues to age.
Does my legacy gift need to be a large amount?
No. Even a small donation can make a difference and will be gratefully received.
Will my family or friends miss out if I leave a legacy gift to Kampung Senang?
Family and friends should come first. Then, after taking care of them, even if there is only a small amount left, a legacy gift to Kampung Senang can make a meaningful difference to the lives of our beneficiaries.
Do I need to worry about taxes matters when considering legacy gifts?
You may wish to refer to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) advisory or consult your accountant or solicitor.
Do I need to inform Kampung Senang that I am leaving them a legacy gift?
No, it is up to you. If you are comfortable sharing the information, please do let us know by completing this form. By informing us, you allow us to thank you for your generosity.
Can I leave gifts to specific causes through Kampung Senang?
Unfortunately, Kampung Senang cannot accept legacy gifts made to specific programs, as we evaluate our programs annually and allocate funds to those causes for which we see the greatest need and feel we can have the greatest impact. .
Our complete financial accounting is monitored by the government in accordance with the requirements for maintaining our status as an Institution of Public Character, the highest level of charity. Past years’ annual reports can be viewed here.
If a particular cause is especially close to your heart, please contact us to discuss what Kampung Senang does to support that cause.
Is money the only kind of legacy gift that I can leave to Kampung Senang?
Legacy gifts can come in different forms, not limited to cash. And there are many ways to allocate your lasting gift. You will be able to discuss this with a solicitor to make it clear exactly what you want to leave.
Gifting through your will:
Specify a sum of cash or percentage of the value of your estate (e.g., money, real estate, stocks and shares, jewellery, paintings).
Designate Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation Limited as the second in line to receive all or part of your bequests should one or more of your primary named beneficiaries predecease you.
Make a residuary bequest where all or part of your estate would be given to Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation Limited only after all other beneficiaries have been provided for in your will.
Gifting through CPF monies:
Nominate Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation Limited as a beneficiary of your CPF monies upon your demise.
Gifting through your insurance policies:
Designate Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation Limited as the beneficiary of your insurance policy should it cease to be of importance to you or your family’s financial security.
I do not have a will. So how?
The Singapore government has a website that explains how you can you can get started to write your own will: https://mylegacy.life.gov.sg/end-of-life-planning/write-a-will
My question does not appear in this list of FAQs. So how?
No worries. Fill out this form and you will be contacted by a senior member of Kampung Senang’s staff. Your message will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
DISCLAIMER: This document does not constitute legal advice. Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation recommends that you consult a qualified lawyer to ensure your will is legally valid and to prevent any costly mistakes. As your decision may affect your loved ones, you may wish to discuss with them your decision to leave a legacy bequest to Kampung Senang.